All invited for the Blessing of the Waters of Charleston Harbor with Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church and Saints Cyril and Methodius ROCOR.
TIME: 11:00 AM
LOCATION: Mt. Pleasant Pier
71 Harry Hallman Blvd., Mt. Pleasant, SC
Website for pier info:
Theophany is the Feast which reveals the Most Holy Trinity to the world through the Baptism of the Lord (Mt.3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22). God the Father spoke from Heaven about the Son, the Son was baptized by the St John the Forerunner, and the Holy Spirit descended upon the Son in the form of a dove. This feast is also sometimes referred to as Epiphany but that name more properly refers to the Western Christian feast falling on that same day and commemorating the visit of the Magi to the child Jesus. From ancient times this Feast was called the Day of Illumination and the Feast of Lights, since God is Light and has appeared to illumine “those who sat in darkness,” and “in the region of the shadow of death” (Mt.4:16), and to save the fallen race of mankind by grace.
Troparion for the Feast:
“When Thou, O Lord, wast baptized in the Jordan,
worship of the Trinity wast made manifest;
for the voice of the Father bore witness to Thee,
calling Thee His beloved Son.
And the Spirit in the form of a dove
confirmed the truth of His word.
O Christ our God, Who hath appeared and enlightened the world,
glory to Thee!”