A prefeast (also known as forefeast) is a period of time preceding certain major feasts of the Christian year during which the Church anticipates the approaching Feast. The liturgical life of the Church reflects this anticipation by foreshadowing the feast in the divine services leading up to the Nativity.
This service is a combination of Vespers (evening prayers) and Compline (final service of the day, before sleep) and incorporates beautiful hymnography to prepare us for the birth of Christ.
On this day we sing:
Make ready, O Bethlehem, for Eden is opened.
Prepare, O Ephratha, for Adam and Eve are renewed.
Salvation enters the world and the curse is destroyed.
Make ready, O hearts of righteous men,
Instead of myrrh, bring songs as an offering of wisdom.
Receive salvation and immortality for your bodies and souls.
Behold, the Master Who lays in a manger
urges us to complete our spiritual songs.
Let us cry to Him without ceasing: O Lord, glory to Thee.